
Kol Tefilah davens k'halacha in the style of classical chazzanut. The members of Kol Tefilah are shomer shabbat, and take turns leading the services while the rest function as a choir.

Here are a few of the places we've been:
617-739-2767 -- Rabbi Joseph Polak
Congregation Agudas Achim Anshei Sfard (Newton, MA)
732-254-1860 -- Rabbi Yaakov Wasser
Young Israel of East Brunswick (East Brunswick, NJ)
514-735-2113 -- Rabbi Avrohom Jacks
Congregation Zichron Kedoshim (Montreal, Canada)
516-764-1099 -- Rabbi Jay Yaacov Schwartz
Young Israel of Oceanside (Long Island, NY)
781-863-8656 -- Rabbi Alter Bukiet
Chabad Center of Lexington (Lexington, MA)
207-772-6282 -- Herschel Lerman, President
Congregation Shaarey Tphiloh (Portland, ME)
617-254-1333 -- Rabbi Abraham Halbfinger
Congregation Kadimah-Toras Moshe (Brighton, MA)
203-790-7423 -- Mr. Mitch Rothschild, President
Congregation Mount Moses (Lake Waubeeka, CT)
732-247-3038 -- Rabbi Kaufman
Ohav Emet (Highland Park, NJ)
781-784-4692-- Rabbi Nisson Miller
Congregation Etz Chaim (Sharon, MA)
973-249-1106 -- Cantor Daniel Schwartz
Congregation Kodimoh (Springfield, MA)
516-889-9650-- Rabbi Daniel Mehlman
Lido Beach Synagogue (Lido Beach, NY)
781-784-6112 -- Rabbi Dr. Meir Sendor
Young Israel of Sharon (Sharon, MA)
Congregation Agudath Shalom (Stamford, CT)